
Our Mission

Working hard to build better communities; TCS is laying the framework for the new generation of Construction Management and General Contracting Services through our CORE values.



Continuously improving our local community through Socially Responsible Construction. TCS achieves this by focusing on projects that will help bring growth to the local communities and organizations like Catholic Charities, Capitol Region Regional Food Bank, St Jude’s & other.


TCS views its employees as its greatest asset. We are dedicated to the development and growth of our people so that our employees can strive to achieve their goals.


The local communities are growing; our customers are satisfied, and our employees are producing to the best of their abilities.


We strive for excellence to meet our customers’ needs.  Excellence can be defined at TCS by being the best version of ourselves daily; doing whatever it takes to make those strides to execute projects to the best of our abilities.

Our Team

  • Dashawn Ray

    Dashawn has been a part of the TCS family, working as a carpenter since 2018. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball and spending time with family. The TCS team values his hard work and his eagerness to learn.

  • Harold Fernandez

    Harold is from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. In 2011 he joined the TCS as one of the original members of the team and is now the lead mason. In his free time Harold enjoys spending time with his children and family. He also love’s spending time outdoors and playing water sports.

  • Gray Loyola


    Gray joined the TCS family in 2023 as a Site Foreman, with a background in construction and site planning. Having grown up in the upstate NY area, Gray spent time in the southern states and has since moved back to the area. Gray is passionate about learning and making a positive impact on those around him.

  • Rita Beerle

    Office Manager

    Rita is the newest member of the TCS family. With 42 years of experience in accounting and risk management, we are excited to welcome her to the team. Rita has many hobbies, but her favorite of them all is spending time with her grandchildren.

  • John Russell

    Project Manager

    John is the newest member of the TCS team and is responsible for Managing our Construction and Development Projects. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family and traveling. His hobbies include golfing and hiking.

  • Dave Greco

    Site Lead

    Dave has been in construction his whole life. The TCS team was lucky to gain that experience when he joined the team in 2017. Dave has a wife and 2 children. In his free time Dave enjoys BMX, hunting, and spending time with his family.

  • Joe Tote

    Among the team Joe is known as the “Old Man”. In 2006 he started TCS and built the company around his passion, Masonry and Concrete. He has watched TCS grow over the years into what it is today. Joe enjoys playing baseball and soccer in his free time. When he is not working, Joe spends most of his time in the mountains at his cabin.